2009. január 30., péntek
2009. január 20., kedd
2009. január 7., szerda
2009. január 6., kedd
Winter Festivals
Dear Friends,
Here are our answers to your questions (school and kindergarten ) .
Here are our answers to your questions (school and kindergarten ) .
Yes, we write a letter to Father Christmas or little Jesus.
2.– Do you put your Christmas tree at home? How do you decorate it?
Yes, we decorate the Christmas Tree on December 24th. We decorate it with lights, tinsels, with gigerbread cookies and a special sweet: "szaloncukor".
Old tradition: People used to decorate their Christmas tree with gingerbread cookies, apples and little decorations made of straw

now we use sweets like these (szaloncukor)
a straw angel
Christmas Eve at home
3. - Does Father Christmas walk by the streets in your country?
Yes, he does, but not only in supermarkets or shopping malls, he gives candy to children at workplaces and in the streets too.
4.– Is there any special procession on the streets on January 5th to see the Three wise men?
We have no custom like that in Hungary.
5.– Who comes to your house to give you the presents?
Father Christmas (on 6th December), little Jesus (on 24th December)brings the presents in our country.
Do they leave the presents when you are sleeping?
Santa brings the presents at night and puts sweets and chocolate in clean boots in the windows. Baby Jesus leaves the presents in the afternoon while children go out to play or walk. We do not have stockings, the presents go under the Christmas tree.
6.-What do you eat on Christmas?
We prepare the following dishes for Christmas: fish soup, a special cake called 'beigli' which is filled with poppy seed or walnut, stuffed cabbage or turkey.
7. - Can you send us your favourite Christmas song?(video)
Kis karácsony, nagy karácsony,
Kisült-e már a kalácsom?
Ha kisült már, ide véle,
Hadd egyem meg melegében.

8, -Do you make Advent calendars?
Yes, we have an Advent or Christmas calendar, so we count down the days from the 1st December with the help of little gifts. We also make an advent wreath.
9.-What are the things you like doing most during your Christmas holidays?
We like reading, helping in the kitchen, snowboarding, skiing, skating , going to a spa, riding a horse, playing boardgames with friends or family.
10.-How long are your Christmas holidays?
Our holiday starts on 21st December and we go back to school on the 5th January
For 6 year-old children board-games, soft toys and toy cars are the favourite presents. Many 7 year- old children got DVDs and board-games, 8 and 9 year- old ones received lego blocks, books, PS games, microscopes, watches or puzzles .
Yes, we always make gingerbread (mézeskalács). We can decorate the Christmas tree with these little cakes. Another typical cake is „beigli” . It is filled with walnuts or poppy seed and the cake is rolled up.

14.-What food do you eat at Christmas ?
"Regölés" is also an old tradition, which can also be seen on our Christmas party. In the old times young boys went from house to house chanting and singing and wishing good health, good crops, richness to each member of the family. In return they were given something to eat.
At the school party our choir always sing some nice Christmas carols.
Every year we also invite all the children from Egry kindergarten to see a puppet show about the birth of Jesus and the three wise men. We sing them Christmas songs in German, French and English.
The text of the nativity play in English
2009. január 5., hétfő
2009. január 4., vasárnap
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