2009. szeptember 27., vasárnap

A Hungarian Folkdance

Dance with cushions

Hold a cushion in front of you.
Start dancing clockwise forming a circle.
Steps: quick-quick-slow - first: right leg, second: left leg, third: right leg, then repeat the steps with: left leg-right leg-left leg.
Dance this rhythm through one and half times. (Once through the tune and halfway through again.)
Turn towards the middle of the circle. Lower your cushion next to you with your right hand, while you take your partner’s cushion (who is on your left) with your left hand.
Start to the right with slow-slow steps, then dance right –left-right-on the spot (in one place).
Repeat the same rhythm to the left: slow-slow (left-right), then quick-quick-slow (left-right-left). Dance these steps once through the tune and halfway through again.
Turn to each other. The cushion is in front of you again. Dance slow-slow (right-left).
Half way through the tune pass your cushion to your partner while you take her cushion. Repeat this until the music stops.

2009. szeptember 6., vasárnap

The Hungarian Alphabet

A, Á, B, C, Cs, D, Dz, Dzs, E, É, F, G, Gy, H, I, Í, J, K, L, Ly, M, N, Ny, O, Ó, Ö, Ő, P, Q, R, S, Sz, T, Ty, U, Ú, Ü, Ű, V, W, X, Y, Z, Zs

Ábécédé rajtam kezdé
A nagy bölcsességet,
A nagy eszességet
Ábécédé rajtam kezdé.

N, O,P, Q a nagy torkú,
Mind megissza a bort,
Vígan rúgja a port,
N, O , P, Q a nagy torkú.

X, ipszilon, most ne sírjon,
Sőt inkább vigadjon,
Búnak utat adjon,
X, ipszilon, most ne sírjon.