2009. december 10-től Valentina Pasini, olasz tanárasszisztens
fél éven át iskolánk külföldi tanára lesz.
Az angol és francia órákon többször találkozhattok majd vele. Szeretne olasz nyelvet is tanítani. Ha kedvetek van, jelentkezzetek az olasz klubba. Valentina segíteni fogja a Comenius nemzetközi projekt munkáját is.
Itt olvashatjátok bemutatkozó levelét:
I'm Valentina and I come from Rimini, a town situated on the the Adriatic Sea, in Italy.
I'm 27 and I speak Italian, English and French as well.
In my spare time I like travelling, reading books, listening to music, going to the cinema and theatre, cooking, swimming, riding a horse, going for a walk, cycling and discovering other cultures.
If you want to learn Italian language and culture we could organize an Italian club with lots of activities!
See you soon,
I'm 27 and I speak Italian, English and French as well.
In my spare time I like travelling, reading books, listening to music, going to the cinema and theatre, cooking, swimming, riding a horse, going for a walk, cycling and discovering other cultures.
If you want to learn Italian language and culture we could organize an Italian club with lots of activities!
See you soon,